Flying Basics
Aviation at Juja
Through our partnership with the Kenya School of Flying, we have presented our students with an expansive platform to pursue careers in the aviation industry as pilots. We encourage our students with a passion for flying to pursue professional careers in aviation while simultaneously receiving their secondary school education. In this respect, many of our students have successfully completed their secondary school education and qualified as pilots.

The aviation department qualifies this through its two unique programs:
Aviation Technology as a Subject
Students are exposed to various modules and topics pertaining to the aviation industry. They also have access to The Kenya School of Flying where this knowledge can be augmented through practical instruction.

Fly Young Program
This program is meant to nurture keen interest and enthusiastic students who are aspiring to have careers as pilots, at their this tender age whilst pursuing their secondary education.
Success in the Program
Our Contribution to the Aviation Industry
As a school we are proud of our contribution to the Aviation industry both nationally and internationally.
We are proud of our alumni, young men and women who are a testament of Juja Senior School as a springboard to their and careers and finding their passion.
The following personalities are Jujarians in the Aviation industry:
- CAPT. Moses Karanja: – Kenya Airways (Ab- Initio Program ) – ATPL
- ENG. Lady Savia Maria – Kenya Airways (Aeronautical engineer)
- CAPT. Sidney Shiroya – Kenya School Of Flying – CPL
- CAPT. Brian Thumbi – 43rd Flying School South Africa – PPL
- CAPT. Victor Kihanya – Kenya School of Flying – PPL
- CAPT. Mike Munene- U.S.A – PPL
- CAPT. Stephen Nduati – PPL
- CAPT. Sammy Petrouse – Kenya School of Flying – CPL
- CAPT. Jennifer SPPL